Mammals in the news
A few of the articles that caught my eye recently include a couple based on African-research: Why Elephants Are As Ritualistic and Violent As the Mafia; and this piece on the genet
Spitzbergen Report
Some great pictures here from Karl Van Ginderdeuren who has just got back from 2 weeks on Svarlbard Jon
Polar Bears on the Edge: new book and fundraising campaign
Morten Joergensen, who was with me in Ladakh on our snow leopard expedition last year, is passionate about the plight of Polar Bears and has written a book on their conservation, i
New (old) reports: Pakistan and Afghanistan
Vladimir Dinets just submitted these notes of trips he took to these two countries some time ago. I visited Pakistan briefly in 2011 and loved the country. Afghanistan sounds fabul
Another Western Sahara trip report
In March I got the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of many other mammal watchers and made a trip to Western Sahara. We didn’t do as well with spotlighting as lot of ot
New Trip Report: Western Sahara
Western Sahara, 2015: Juan Luis Ortega Herranz, 9 days & 13 species including Ruppells and Fennec Fox, Wildcat and Striped Polecat. In English and Spanish This will be the last
New Book: They have returned – Experiencing Bear, Lynx and Wolf
I’ve just received a copy of Ralf Burglin’s book on watching and experiencing Europe’s bears, wolves and lynxes “Sie Sind Wieder Da”. Details are here
New Trip Report – Estonian Lynx
Cheryl Antonucci is just back from her first visit to Estonia. A trip report – entertaining as always – is up on **Spoiler alert: if anyone has look
Mammals in the News
Lots of good – or at least not bad – news, for once this week (unless you are a Californian Dolphin) The first Wolf in 150 years has been spotted in Holland. Ok, so per
New Trip Report – Belarus
Jan Kelchtermans, from Europe’s Big 5, has just finished a tour in Belarus. Surprisingly this is only the second Belarussian report on (the other is mine f