Colombia’s Wild Cats
If anyone is going to Colombia and looking for cats then there might be some good information Los Felinos de Colombia (The Felines of Colombia) by Esteban Payan Garrido and Carolin
New Trip Report – Brazil
Great new report from Ian Loyd, with an account of a 3.5 month stay in Brazil, mainly at the REGUA reserve in Rio State, but also some time in Minas Gerais, Amazonas and the Pantan
New species of mountain Porcupine from Brazil
In Brazil’s Baturite Mountains, scientists have uncovered a new species of prehensile-tailed porcupine, according to a new paper in Revista Nordestina de Biologia. See http:/
Amazon River Cruise Trip – Spaces Left for February
I don’t usually like to advertise trips but I will make an exception for this one as it sounds so good and is being co-led by my friend Fiona Reid, mammalogist extraordinaire
New Trip Reports – Tunisia & Panama
A couple of new reports today First, a great report from Steve Morgan who went to Tunisia and saw a couple of Sand Cats plus plus 18 other species in 10 days, including Fennec Fox,
Panama, 2013
Although Panama had been on my radar for a while I’d never thought all that seriously about visiting until Fiona Reid reminded me it was a great spot for some mammals that had av
Solenodon – Meet the Mammal that Survived the Dinosaurs
A great piece on Solendons in the Dominican Republic Jon
More Jaguar Hunting Pictures and Video
Here Jon
Pygmy Sloth Fiasco & Hwange Elephants Poisoned
Last Monday (9 September 2013), the police officer on morning duty at Isla Colón International Airport, Panama noticed some foreigners loading crates with what appeared to be anim
Panama … November
Hi all, I am thinking of going to Panama for a long weekend at the end of November. Probably focussing on the pipeline road and perhaps Barro Colorado and Coiba island. Any advice