New Trip Report, Antarctica 2017
Another report from Samuel Marlin with some great photos again Antarctica, 2017: Samuel Marlin, 2 weeks & 12 species including Weddell, Crabeater and Leopard Seals. Jon
Amazon Exploration Cruise, June 2017: 1 space now available
Fiona Reid and I are organising a 2 week trip into the Brazilian Amazon in June this year. The trip was sold out but a cancellation means there is now a one space open on this t
New Trip Report: Belize
Here’s a new report on Belize from Robert Foster. There are some useful details here on visiting this under-mammalwatched country. Belize, 2016: Robert Foster, 2 weeks &
New Trip Report: Paraguay
Here’s a new report – I think his first for – from Robert Foster who had a stellar trip to Paraguay back in 2015. Paraguay, 2015: Robert Foster
Saint Lucia & Martinique
Dear All, I’m back from a two-week trip to Saint Lucia and Martinique. Got to see all local bats and melon-headed whales, and also to snorkel with sperm whales and FraserR
Amazon Exploration Cruise, June 2017: Two Spaces Left
Fiona Reid and I are organising a 2 week trip into the Brazilian Amazon in June this year and there are 1 or 2 spaces still available. This is going to be a small,very mammal-focus
New Trip Reports: Yucatan * 2
Happy new year from Cape Town. I hope everyone’s 2017 has gotten off to a good start: has anyone seen any new mammals yet? Both Vladimir Dinets and RIchard Webb were in the Yucat