Feral Hogs Confirmed in Idaho
Feral hogs keep spreading to new U.S. states, largely due to intentional introductions by misguided hunters. The latest state where they have been confirmed is Idaho. They are now
Whiskers Hold Secrets of Invasive Minks
Whiskers hold secrets of invasive minks (January 3, 2010) — Details of the lifestyle of mink, which escaped from fur farms and now live wild in the UK, have been revealed thr
Happy Christmas
I hope everyone out there is having a good Christmas and taking some quiet time to think of the trips they would like to take and the mammals they would like to see next year. Adam
Stoats hunting hares.
I am searching for sightings and pictures of stoats attacking adult brown hares. If anyone can send or direct me to reliable information would be highly appreciated. The only near/
New Mammal/Bird Blog
Hi guys, I’m starting a blog here on wordpress that will hopefully be a good source of mammal and bird trip reports in the future. I’m starting with some mystery mammal
Venezuela mystery mammal photos + new mammal/bird blog
Hello all, I’m new to the mammalwatching world, mostly a birder in the past, but I’m broadening my horizons. I’ve started a blog and posted 3 mystery photos from
Sucker Footed Bats don’t have suckers after all
Some interesting research from Madagascar…. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/12/091214121955.htm
Sperm Whale eating a Giant Squid
A great picture of a Sperm WHale munching on a Giant Squid is here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1223501/Moby-Dick-comes-life-The-astonishing-rare-images-sperm-
Loss Of Top Predators Causing Surge In Smaller Predators, Ecosystem Collapse
ScienceDaily (Oct. 4, 2009) — The catastrophic decline around the world of “apex” predators such as wolves, cougars, lions or sharks has led to a huge increase in sma
Korea Trip Report
Amur Leopard Cat (photo Rich Lindie) I was in South Korea last week and Rich Lindie and his partner Hayley took me out for a great day’s mammal watching. They found me my fir