Lonely Planet’s A Year of Watching Wildlife
The “travel list” has become a bit of a tired concept, with far too many “ten best” lists and “fifty places to see before you die.” Lonely Plane
Black footed Ferrets and Long tailed Weasels – RFI
I should hopefully be in the US for a week in mid April. I’m planning to spend a couple of days around Idaho (with Matt Miller) and then probably 2 or 3 in Yellowstone and th
Michel Gervais spent a week in Niger in Feb. He saw 23 species and a possible West African Manatee. He also includes a picture of a mouse that needs identification… good luck
Costa Rica Trip Report
I’ve uploaded a report of my week in Costa Rica… saw a lot more mammals than I was expecting (mainly because of a whole stack of bats… I think a shitload of bats
ID help wanted with Mexican mammals
Hi all. I wonder if anyone out there can help me identify some mammals (mostly squirrels) I saw on a a birding trip to western Mexico in 1999. The volume of “Mammals of the N
Sightings from Amazonian Brazil – Primates and Short-eared Dog
During a one week stay in February at the Pousada Rio Roosevelt in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, we saw a number of good primates notably Prince’s Bernhard’s Titi Monk
Grizzly Bears on the move in Manitoba
Grizzly Bears are increasingly being reported in what used to be exclusive Polar Bear country http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100223121439.htm
White Nosed Syndrome in France
I got back from a stellar trip to Costa Rica yesterday – I am still trying to identify some of the bats I saw, but I guess I saw close to 50 different species of mammals incl
New Species of Spiny Pocket Mouse
Scientists have just recognised a new Spiny Pocket Mouse in Venezuela – the Overlook Pocket Mouse (or should that have been the Overlooked Pocket Mouse!) http://www.scienceda
Redwoods National Park, CA – RFI
I’ll be visiting Redwoods National Park and nearby areas in California this spring. Does anyone have suggestions on good places to look for mammals and other wildlife? I&#