Lion Count in Gir on the up
Thanks to Steve Anyon-Smith for sending me this Jon Lion count in Gir forest up by 52 Express News Service Tags : Gir forest, Narendra Modi Posted: Mon May 03 2010, 01:44 hrs Ahmed
New mammals from New Guinea
Including the world’s smallest wallaby species Newly Discovered: The ‘Pinocchio’ of Frogs, a Gargoyle-Faced Gecko, and the World’s Smallest Wallaby ScienceD
Orcas split into several species
The following link describes the results of a long intensive study by NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center team, led by Bob Pitman.
Africa – West Coast Voyage
David Bishop sent me this brief – but interesting – account of a month long voyage up the west coat of Africa. He was mainly birding but saw a few nice mammals as you m
Tiger Quoll photos at Werrikimbe
If anyone is in Australia and wants to see a Tiger Quoll (one of Australia’s finest mammals in my opinion and not an easy one to see) then an habituated animal is hanging out
Grey Whale off Israel…?!
I’m still not convinced I believe this but apparently the animal was “positively identified”. Thanks to Steve Anyon-Smith for the link Jon
New Trip Report – Western USA
I was in the US from 19 – 25 April, on the way back from Australia to France. I was with my kids, so it wasn’t a full on mammal fest, but I did manage to see a few new
Rare Dwarf Lemur Rediscovered in Madagascar
Grizzly Bear Workshop in Montana
Search for grizzlies at Pine Butte Guest Ranch, May 15-21.
Florida Cold Snap Kills Manatees
A cold snap earlier in the year killed 5% or more of Florida’s manatees. On the positive side, it also killed non-native pythons and other invasive species. http://www.treehu