Birch Mouse ancestor discovered in Inner Mongolia is new species of rare ‘living fossil’
Birch mouse ancestor discovered in Inner Mongolia is new species of rare ‘living fossil’ ScienceDaily (May 25, 2011) — Tiny fossil teeth discovered in Inner Mongolia
New Trip Report – Lynxes in Sweden
Until a a week ago a pair of Eurasian Lynxes had been seen daily for 3 weeks or so near Stockholm, at a Great Grey Owl Site. I’ve uploaded a couple of reports from people who
Red-Crested Tree Rat Rediscovered in Colombia
This is exciting news. Despite searches, the red-crested tree rat had not been spotted since 1898, yet this one agreeably made itself available for photographs: http://www.usatoday
Glacier NP and Olympic NP
Hi Everyone, Does anybody have any tips on mammal watching in Glacier National Park? I know the park has some really good animals I would like to see – especially Grizzlys, w
A couple of recent books I’ve read that may be of interest to mammal watchers and naturalists: The Wolverine Way by Douglas Chadwick. This book follows wolverine research, pr
Spotlighting – exchanging experiences
Dear all, I want to exchange experiences on spotlighting. As one normally has limited nights (and stamina) on exotic trip, it is better to optimize the technique. – What time
Tatras and Bieszczady (Slovakia & Poland)
Hi all, I will visit the Tatras and the Beskides (Slovakia & Poland) from 15th June until 5th July. Has anyone been in these mountains? I am particularly interested in carnivor
RFI Quito
I will have an afternoon and evening to kill in Quito next week. I was wondering if anyone knows of places near the city to look for mammals. Or of anyone who knows the small roden
Saving the Asiatic Wild Ass in the Mongolian Gobi
Not super interesting I thought, but worth a look if you are interested in Wild Asses… Jon ScienceDaily (May 3, 2011) — Considerable attention is currently being paid to th
Franklin’s Ground Squirrel
I put a brief trip report on my not-a-blog: Comments are probably more useful here on