Plant lures bats with echoing leaf form
This is interesting Flowers use bright colours and striking patterns to attract pollinators that a
New Ader’s Duiker population discovered in Kenya
See here for more details Jon
Micronesia RFI
I will be heading to Micronesia in a few weeks for work. I’ve read David Bishop’s excellent report on this site but would appreciate any specific spots to check for end
Whale trapped in a fishing net
This is a touching 8 minutes of film Jon
Snow Leopards in Afghanistan
Snow Leopard Population Discovered in Afghanistan ScienceDaily (July 13, 2011) — The Wildlife Conservation Society has discovered a surprisingly healthy population of rare snow l
New Trip Reports – Finland and Costa Rica
I’ve been sent two new reports Mark Hows in Finland with an impressive 26 mammals in 2 weeks including lots of rodents
Fisher Decline in Northern California
The Hoopa Valley Tribe, in cooperation with the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Massachusetts, reported a 73-percent decline in the density of fishers — a
New Trip Report – California and Colorado
I was in the US at the start of June and – thanks to the help from several people here – managed to find most of what I was chasing. It wasn’t primarily a mammal
Lat/long converter, Google Earth link
I wanted to pass this online converter along. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to work with maps, and been very frustrated. I paid for a National Geographic topo program sever
North Carolina bat blitz update
All I finally got around to looking at the registration for this and they don’t require any experience with bats to be an official participant, so no schmoozing is required.