Fishers in the eastern US
I’ve always found fishers to be incredibly cool animals, and have always wanted to see one. In the 90s, they were reintroduced to my home state of Pennsylvania. They appear t
Climate changing outlook for harp seals
Warming oceans and melting sea ice may have a major impact on harp seals, the doe-eyed animals that are the prime target for Canada’s annual seal hunt. Jon
Meat-Eating Giant Panda
Interesting story and interview on the recent documentation (by camera trap) of a giant panda feeding on a takin carcass.
Iberian Lynx numbers increasing
Cornelis J. Hazevoet sent me a link to an article showing that Iberian Lynxes have more than tripled in number in the decade to 2011. Obviously good news, but interesting too in th
Authoritative mammal checklist?
What are people’s choices for the authoritative mammal checklist for the world? There are several on the internet including Wilson and Reeder’s and the IUCN. They diffe
Field Guide or other mammal books for Jalisco province, Mexico
Hello, I am just back from Vietnam after a very wet but surprisingly successful trip – over 30 species in 2 weeks including all three Doucs. I am thinking about going to the
New Trip Report -Tuscany and the Ebro Valley, Spain
I was in Europe for a the last two weeks of October. I was with my kids so wasn’t doing a whole lot of mammal watching, but I did do a little in Spain and Tuscany. The Ebro Valle
New Trip Report – Uganda
Trevor Hardaker’s report of a great trip to Uganda with excellent pictures is now linked to His report is on his own site here. Over 50 species including G
Help required with some mammal ID’s
Since as I am on a role with posting here, I thought I may as well put out another couple of questions. Both relate to unidentified mammals from some of my previous trips and if an
Looking for Irrawaddy Dolphins in Thailand
We are going to be in Thailand in early January and have a couple of spare days at the end of our trip. I would like to possibly try for the Irrawaddy Dolphins that are seen out of