Javan rhinos in June
Dear All, There is a last-minute vacancy on Javan rhino tour that Royle Safaris have organized and I’ll be guiding, on June 1-11. For details, please contact Martin Royle, ma
Nesokia bunnii
Recently we published a sight record of enigmatic (and once considered extinct) long-tailed bandicoot rat in Iraq. Turns out our Iranian colleagues obtained a specimen just a few k
Taxonomy news
1. A new paper argues that red mazama deer south of the Amazon should be considered a separate species Mazama rufa rather than M. americana. 2. Myotis keaysi from coastal Ecuador s
Taxonomy news
1. A review of alstoni species group of mouse opossums, with a description of Marmosa adleri (if you’ve seen “Alston’s mouse opossum” in Panama, that was it
Tufted ground squirrel
I am sorry if it looks like I’ve overtaken this blog recently, but I think this will be of interest to many people. There is a new paper on the diet of tufted ground squirrel
Mammalwatching with children
Here’s a chart showing the number of new species I’ve seen every year of my life (the first six years summarized under 1975). For the reference, my first marriage was i
Taxonomy news
Just a few today: 1. New tuco-tuco Ctenomys plebiscitum described from northern Patagonia. It apparently occurs in an urban park (42° 52′ 20.61″ S 70° 20′ 08.80″ W). Look
Virgin Islands
Since I seem to be doomed to posting mammalwatching trip reports from places where nobody would ever go for mammalwatching, here’s another one, a 1-page mammalwatching guide
Puerto Rico
I just came back from a very short family vacation to Puerto Rico. Since it was my third trip there, I summarized everything I know into a 2-page mammalwatching guide to the island
Taxonomy news
1. True’s beaked whales from the Southern Hemisphere split as a new species, Mesoplodon eueu. 2. When pygmy marmosets got split, it was unclear which of the two species shoul