I’ve been interested in animals since I was a toddler living in North Wales. As this letter to Father Christmas shows, I was building a mammal list when I was 7, even if these were plastic mammals for my toy zoo. Those capable of reading my disastrous writing will spot a worrying interest in birds. Thankfully this passed.

Looking for Snow Leopards, Ladakh, India, 2014
It wasn’t until I left the UK and spent 1991 in Zambia that I really got into mammal watching. Since then I’ve lived in Australia, France and now New York City, and looked for mammals in over 100 countries (I know…. but I do now offset my carbon emissions).
My life list is here. I firmly believe mammalwatching is a road to happiness and have some science to back me up! If you really want to know more then tune into episode 3 of our podcast.
I sent up this site in 2005 as a way to share the sort of information that birders enjoy. If you have any content, comments or suggestions I’d be glad to get them: just drop me an email.
Happy mammal watching.

Narwhal watching, Baffin Island, 2006 (Photo Ken Balderson)
Life lists
Jon’s life list
Jon’s African life list
Jon’s Asian life list
Jon’s Australasian life list
Jon’s European life list
Jon’s North American life list
Jon’s Central American life list
Jon’s South American life list
Nice to see this site. I run @Lanka_Wildlife and work on palm squirrels. Post videos sometimes about mammals to that twitter site regularly. Would be good to share my videos with a site like this. Any feedback, feel free to contact.
John I write to you because there are a guide in Peru. In a very small town. And with all this mess his family and he are hungry.
He is the guide for the Colocolo cat and Andean cat in Ondores.
I went there two years ago and we got along. We began a friendship.
I have helped him in several occasion during these past months.
I don’t know if this is appropriate but I want to try anyway. I would like that you write a post about this situation and see if anyone would like to help him and send him some money.
They live with very little.
If you think that this is not a question for this web, I will understand.
If you want to know further details contact natrodpar@yahoo.es-
Jon Hall
Natalia, I think the best thing would be for you to write a report of your trip so that the guide might get some business soon. Of course you can mention that times are tough for him in that. As you can imagine a huge number of nature guides are struggling these days and I would prefer not to flood the site with requests to help them all. I am glad you are helping him. thanks
Dear John,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing form Ithaca, New York, but I am from Tajikistan. I found this website through my friend, very interesting. Some years ago, I organized wildlife safari to Tajikistan and we counted some wild sheep and goats. I even made a short video about it. I would love to upload the report on behalf our team, but I am not sure how I do that. It would be wonderful to see Tajikistan in the websites of mammal watching.
Thank you,
Daler Kaziev
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Dear Jon
I am lecturer researcher from Algeria, i have found your website , it is excellent.
I had a look at the list of Mammals of the world and i have found something new for me
Are Artiodactyla and Cetacea in the same Order Cetartiodactyla ??? what is the source or the reference please.
I am working on establishing the taxonomy referential of the 111 species of wild mammals of Algeria and i want to have results with the newest data of the taxonomy.
Can you advice me a site or a reference in the web where i can found the newest taxonomy of the mammals?
Thank you very much
Dr Mourad Ahmim