The Weekly Recap

Hello and welcome back to the weekly recap!

The first trip report of the week was this short one from a month’s trip to Mexico, Belize and Guatemala – only 3 days of which were spent mammalwatching, a good compromise when 0 isn’t an option. Despite this they still managed to see 14 species which is pretty impressive! Some highlights were Kinkajou, Northern Ghost Bat and a Tayra (or its tail at least). 

Next is Josh Vandermeulen’s report of seeing Ecuadorian Viscachas in – you’ll never guess – Ecuador!

And the final report of the week was Yonathan Perez’s trip to Alligator River, North Carolina during which he saw a Bobcat, Red Wolf, North American River Otters, and a “very chonky” Black Bear.  

Someone going to Sichuan with Sid Francis in late December/early January is looking for a couple other mammalwatchers to join the trip, focused on Red and Giant Pandas! Check out this post for contact details. And as usual head over to the join a trip page for some more fun trip ideas:)

Jonas Livet will have a 28 hour layover in Kuala Lumpur in April and would love some advice on where to see White-thighed Surili and Selangor Silvered Langur, and “Asanoth” travelling to Madagascar is wondering whether May or October would be a better time to go. 

A couple mammalwatchers would like some help with IDs: this post is either a California or Steller’s Sea Lion, and this post is about Flying Foxes in Assam, India. 

Finally, see this post for a review of the Thermal Master T2 Max Thermal Camera.

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Thanks for reading:) 


Cover photo: Yucatan Black Howler – “shortclaws”

Post author

Katy Hall

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