Anyone interested seeing Bonobos in the DRC in August 2026?
Inspired by the success of last year’s trip to see Bonobos in the DRC, I am working with Middle Africa to convene a group to return in August 2026.
Once again Middle Africa are chartering a plane which will save a week’s worth of travel time.
Bonobos, Black-crested Mangabey and Wolf’s Monkey seem pretty much guaranteed so far as I can tell, as is Congo Peafowl. Even I am going to make an effort for that one … mainly so I can flex about it with birders. At least that is all that I will admit to here! Other species in the area which are harder to see include African Golden Cat, Giant Pangolin and Allen’s Swamp Monkey.
It sounds like very little mammalwatching has been done at night there so we are expecting interesting stuff after dark. I heard last year’s group saw what is very likely an undescribed species of larger galago for example.
The trip is almost full – with a great group already assembled – but there are still one or two spots open, possibly three. If you are interested please get in touch – .
Unlike some of the DRC the area remains safe and peaceful. The trip is pretty rugged but it sounds a lot less physically demanding and uncomfortable than bits of West Papua for example.
Dates: arriving into Kinshasa on 22 August and leaving 5 September 2026.
More details are attached.
Bonobos in the DRC
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