The Weekly Recap

Hi everyone, welcome back to the weekly recap!

Kicking this week off is Hugh Lansdown’s great report of a campervan trip around Scandinavia with Brown Bears, Musk Ox, courting Roe Deer and even a Wolverine, (sadly not the type played by Hugh Jackman). 

Next is this Wildlife Tours trip to Western and Central Java – they saw the Javan Slow Loris, Javan Fuscous Leaf Monkey and Black-eared Pygmy Squirrel among several other good species. 

Ian Thompson’s trip to Indonesia was very successful despite a flight cancellation and rears being wiped with indonesian dollar bills (well, something like that anyway). 56 species were seen including Pentailed Treeshrew, Marbled Cat and Malayan Porcupine. 

This report of a Cheesemans’ Ecology Safari to South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula from last October was a pretty epic expedition, with all sorts of sightings from Southern Elephant and Antarctic Fur Seals to Fin and Sei Whales. 

The next report is part of Cheryl Antonucci’s quest to see all of Brazil’s primates – this edition includes Black-striped Capuchins, Eastern Black-handed Tamarins and Purus Red Howler Monkey. 

Paul Carter has linked some trip reports from July in Vietnam, with species like Northern Tree Shrews, Red-shanked Douc Langurs and Indochinese Shrewlike Mouse. 

Next up is Alex Meyer’s mega trip to Madagascar where he saw 130 species!! Some of the highlights include the Aye-aye, Fossa, Madagascar Giant Mastiff Bat and Sifakas. 

Finally, part 5 of Pieter de Groot Boersma’s mammals of Australia video reports is here, this time featuring bats and rats such as Spectacled Flying Fox, Chocolate Wattled Bat and Bush Rat. 

Dan Boyland is looking for someone to join him next summer to look for Eastern Long-beaked Echidnas in Papua New Guinea, and some members are wanted for a trip later that summer to Mongolia in search of Pallas’ Cat and Snow Leopards!

Chalo Africa will also be running a Congo river cruise this December: Forest Elephants, Bonobos and Bongos are only some of the species you could see, so check it out if you’re interested:) I must say that if you absolutely must mammalwatch, a river cruise isn’t the worst way to do it… Unless you happen to be travelling with someone who takes after my father’s proclivity for capsizing boats. And as always, you can also check out the join a trip page if none of these tickle your fancy. 

A new episode of my favourite insane asylum broadcast (the Mammalwatching Podcast) is here! Listen to Fernando Tortato talk about how his work with Jaguar tourism in the Pantanal has been helping conservation. 

A photo of a Himalyan Pika taken in Langtang Valley is in need of IDing, so have a look at this post.

This very useful post has a ton of information on where to see the world’s cetaceans. Finally, Coke Smith is looking for some photos of Side-striped Jackals taken on Mt Elgon for a scientific paper, so definitely send them through to him if you have any:)

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Thanks for reading:) 


Cover photo: Alex Fine 

Post author

Katy Hall

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