Join our next community meetings!

We are happy to announce the next mammalwatching community meeting!
Imagine talking mammals, mammals and ..mammals 😉


Dates: Saturday, 2nd November and Saturday 18th of January
Time: 21:00 (UTC+1); check yours here: The meetings will last about 1.5 hours.

Interested? Receive the link here:

Questions? Send us an email at info AT


During the first meeting in November, we will update you about ongoing community projects (e.g., the mammalwatching course, cat page, NUTTER awards). We will be happy to have some feedback! Then, there is some time to chat with other mammalwatchers. This is an opportunity to meet the people behind the names, behind the reports. Share your crazy mammalwatching adventures and the fantastic pictures you have taken over your mammalwatching year, as well your plans for 2025.


During the January meeting, we will discuss the nominations for the NUTTER awards.
Make sure you upload your 2024 trip reports before! 

  • Best report
  • Most inspiring conservation project / person / place visited
  • Best first report
  • Outstanding guide
  • Best and worst mammalwatching moment


Add your nominations here:


We hope to see both the very active, well-known members and the new ones! Now is your chance to help share and shape mammalwatching.




Cover: How Dall-E thinks our meetings will be 😉

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