Wildlife Tours West & Central Java, 30 Sep-06 Oct 2024

All seven Java's primates found on the tour

All seven Java’s primates found on the tour

A tremendous succees of our 7D6N wildlife tour to West and Central Java, with all seven primate species of the island seen and photographed! Primates became the most priority to find, especially for the Javan Slow Loris and Javan Fuscous Leaf Monkey. The final results are very satisfying, where five of the seven species are lifer to our guest!

In addition, 10 mammals were seen, such as Black-eared Pygmy Squirrel and Common Palm Civet. Javan Ferret-badger seen through the thermal, but no direct sighting. Also some number of birds recorded, including five kingfishers and the Javan Banded Pitta.

Primavest Trip Report 7D6N W-C Java

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