The Weekly Recap

Hello, welcome back to the weekly recap!

This week started off strong with Micah and Moses Swanson’s joint trip to Zimbabwe, Botswana and Tanzania from this summer. With 33 species including 11 lifers for both, it’s a great report with a Grey-faced Sengi, Sanje Mangabeys and Dwarf Mongoose. 

This short report from Jan Ebr details the successful search for a Ringed Seal around Saimaa Lake, Finland. 

My dad’s rodent-centred trip to the Northwest of the US saw Townsend’s Pocket Gophers, Sagebrush Voles, Pygmy Rabbits and a worryingly fresh Mountain Lion poo. 

The 3rd part of Pieter de Groot Boersma’s Mammals of Australia series is here, this time with many different species of Pademelon, Bettong and Rock Wallabies.

A good spot for spotting Armadillos in Dallas has been shared here if you’re interested.  

There will be a trip to Sabah, Borneo next summer – a group of 3 looking for a 4th (or even a 5th), so check out the post if you’d like to join! Also don’t hesitate to head over to the Join a Trip page to see where your next torture session could be held.  

In this week’s advice column, please comment on this post if you know of any good mammalwatching spots near Recife, Brazil. There is also a fox, spotted in Bolivia, that needs help being identified here. And finally, if you know anything about infrared cameras (specifically whether Xinfrared is the same thing as InfiRay) check out this post

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Thanks for reading:) 


Cover photo: A far from gruntled Pygmy Rabbit – Jon Hall 

Post author

Katy Hall

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