Seeking Companions for a 10-14 Day Mammal Watching Trip in October 2024

Dear Fellow Mammal Watchers,


following up a recent post of mine, I am trying to organize/join a short term (active) mammal watching tour. The aim from my perspective is to look for some iconic species while also hiking a bit and enjoying a bit more on foot the environment. With an eye at the weather/moment of the year I am considering some options


Bhutan – if we are fast (by next week) there is a nice organized tour that can be booked aiming at golden cat, serow, golden langur, dhole etc

I have inquired for Mongolia (snow leopard, palla’s cat and saiga – they don’t lead to Gobi for camels)

I would love to go to Mana Pools

Qinghai, Sichuan, Leuser, Tajikistan (bears, markhors and slim chances at snow leopard)

Feel free to entice me with other options: we can have a call and see if it fits!




Post author

Francesco Cuzzola

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