Snow Leopard trip in Febr./March 2025 in Ladakh, India

Hello, I’m planning to see Snow Leopard on a self-organised tour in Febr./March 2025 in Ladakh, India (10 days). The main focus will be looking for the cat, and hopefully to see it more than once. Apart from this, chances for other interesting mammals are good (and guaranteed Ibisbill & Solitary Snipe from the birds) and if time allows and we see Snow Leopard fast, we can set up to other parts of the region to look for Pallas’s Cat and others. The trip data is more or less fixed so far and the tour is hold with my local agent. But for optimal group size I need 1-3 more people to join. If anybody is interested please contact me by e-mail: martingottschling [at]

Post author

Martin Gottschling

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