Mammals of the USA Part 1

Hi people,

One of my favourite trips for mammals was made back in April/May 2013 during a roadtrip of more then 5000 kilometers in the USA. The title of the video is Mammals of the American Midwest, which is incorrect (I can not change the title anymore because I forgot how to get into that particular YouTube account).

Locations and species filmed:

Las Vegas (immediate surroundings): Desert Cottontail, Black-tailed Jackrabbit, Round-tailed Ground Squirrel.

Zion National Park: Botta’s Pocket Gopher, Mule Deer, Rock Squirrel.

Grand Canyon National Park: Fremont’s Squirrel (recenty split from American Red Squirrel), Least Chipmunk.

Bryce Canyon National Park: Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel, Uinta Chipmunk, Utah Prairie Dog.

Arches National Park: Cliff Chipmunk, Hopi Chipmunk.

Flaming Gorge National Forest: Bighorn Sheep, Wyoming Ground Squirrel.

Pinedale: Mule Deer, Elk (Wapiti), Least Chipmunk.

Grand Teton National Park: American Beaver, Common Muskrat, American Red Squirrel, Moose, Uinta Ground Squirrel, Elk (Wapiti), Yellow-bellied Marmot.

Yellowstone National Park part 1: American Badger, American Bison, American Black Bear.

Note that I have identified the several species of chipmunks in the videos a few years later after uploading this video with help of others. I think I put the names correctly but I may have made a mistake here and there. I can’t 100 % certainly remember which ones are which. Please let me know!

Best regards,

Pieter de Groot Boersma

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Pieter de Groot Boersma

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