The Weekly Recap

Hi everyone, welcome to this week’s recap! I’m sorry these recaps have been so irregular recently, I am in the full swing of exam season but only have one left so should be back on track soon:)

This week’s first trip report is a video one from Suriname – Guiana River Dolphin, Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth and Giant Otters are some of the highlights. 

The next instalment of Rob and Romy’s It’s A Wild Life series is here from Thailand! As usual it is full of stunning photos of everything from the odd-looking Lesser Mouse-deer to an adorable baby Northern Pig-tailed Macaque.

This post is the report of a Royle Safaris Bolivian cat tour. They saw 33 mammal species, 5 of which were cats: Jaguar, Puma, Ocelots, Jaguarundi and Geoffroy’s Cat. There are also many great pictures including a Brazilian Tapir giving bombastic side eye to the camera.

Next up, Québec! A North American Porcupine definitely smuggling drugs (or potions) under its cloak, Fin Whales and Belugas are just some of the mammals spotted.

And finally, Turkey, with a picture perfect Taurus Ground Squirrel, Egyptian Fruit Bats and child abuse (well, a baby “enjoying” some mammalwatching…). 

Speaking of child abuse, the new episode of the Mammalwatching Podcast features in its first part an interview with Greg Easton. Winner of the NUTTER award for Best Trip Report, he tells stories of tricking his kids into going on mammalwatching hikes by calling them walks. Glad to see my dad has met his soulmate (sorry Charles). The main part of the podcast, however, is a fascinating interview with Bill Robichaud, a Saola (“Asian unicorn”) conservationist. 

The first draft of the Big Mammal Day rules is here! With guidelines on everything from mammal identification to ethics, I’m sure it’ll ensure all goes smoothly and no tripods are used as spears. 

On the theme of mammal guidelines, this post discusses whether a bat IDed only by sonogram should count. It is very much an open debate so definitely comment if you have any strong bat opinions. I personally think it should count only if you had to crunch through hyena bones and get bat poo in your hair, but maybe I’m just being picky.  

The mammal market is booming today: an almost unused Xinfrared T2 Pro Thermal Camera is being sold half price here, and someone else is giving away some mammal books for free. I am also giving away a father if anyone wants one (I will even pay you). 

Someone is asking for advice on spotlighting! My advice is don’t. Or go to sleep, but preferably only if you’re not the one driving. 

Finally, the “Reverse the Red” world species conference is currently ongoing and will be ending at 10pm GMT tonight – I don”t know if it’s too late to register but here is the link just in case!

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Thanks for reading:) 


Cover photo: Royle Safaris

Post author

Katy Hall

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