Way Kambas National Park Sumatra Advice

Hi all,

I am planning a trip to Sumatra in the beginning of June and was hoping someone might have some advice. I would really love to visit Way Kambas but the Satwa ecolodge is out of my price range. I was wondering if anyone knew of other places to stay/ways to visit. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thank you!

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  • CarlosBocos

    Hi MicLions. Please, open google maps and zoom around the Satwa Ecolodge. You will see a number of cheaper options, mostly homestays. Cheers

    • MicLions

      Hi CarlosBocos,
      I don’t see any numbers on those homestays but would you just recommended going to the area and stopping by some of those homestays?

  • CarlosBocos

    Yes, that’s it!

  • Ian Thompson

    Is Way Kambas open again? I understood it had been closed for the past couple of years. Has anyone visited recently?

  • tomeslice

    I read/heard that Way Kambas was closed until they capture the remaining 3 wild rhinos and put them in the SRS (Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary) for breeding.
    I think @MartinRoyle may have some contacts on the ground there.

    There’s an option, if I remember correctly, to stay at the Way Batan station inside the park. It’s very very very basic.. but of course the prime location! You literally have chances for tigers and pangolins inside your campsite. When Jon, Jean-Michele and I were there, there was a whole high school field trip staying there (so probably best to avoid weekends).

    Not sure if this was helpful, but it’s as much as I know, and I absolutely love Way Kambas.

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