Mammals of Madagascar Part 1

Hi people,

In the summer of 2023 I went on a birdwatching trip of five weeks, chasing as many mammals as I could! I got to a whopping 77 species of mammals, of which most were also caught on film. I will upload one video per week. Here is part 1 (of 4):

Species depicted in part 1:

Mauritius (Botanical Gardens): Greater Mascarene Flying Fox

Rodrigues, Solitude Forest Station: Rodrigues Flying Fox


Montagne d’Ambre National Park: Sanford’s Brown Lemur, Crowned Lemur, Fossa, Montagne d’Ambre Fork-marked Lemur, Montagne d’Ambre Mouse Lemur.

Andrafiamena: Ankarana Sportive Lemur, Perrier’s Sifaka, Crowned Lemur, Rock-dwelling Sheath-tailed Bat, Madagascar Sheath-tailed Bat, Aellen’s Long-fingered Bat (?), Griveaud’s Long-fingered Bat (?), Glenn’s Long-fingered Bat (?).

Ankarana National Park: Madagascar Rousette, Madagascan Fruit Bat.

Daraina (part 1): Crowned Lemur, Golden-crowned Sifaka.

I used the services of Patrick Richard, which I found on! I highly recommend his services! His expertise lies in finding and identifying mammals, reptiles and amphibians. He is also very good at organising your trip!

Patrick Richard

Best regards,

Pieter de Groot Boersma

Post author

Pieter de Groot Boersma

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