Mammal Fans in Anchorage, Alaska?

Are there any folks who would like to join me for some mammalwatching near Anchorage, Alaska in early June 2024?  I’d like to see Dall Sheep, Mountain Goat, Collared Pika, Northern Red-backed Vole, Hoary Marmot, etc.  Renting a car for just one person is stunningly expensive.  I’ll be checking birdingpals to see if any birders there want to look for mammals.

Post author

Cathy PAsterczyk


  • Jon Hall

    Hi Cathy – not sure how much hire car research you have done but I know that some of the local companies in Alaska are a lot cheaper to rent from than the bigger chains that come up on Expedia and the like. Hope you get some company!

  • wildlife_watcher

    Check thrifty car rental

  • PaintedTraveler

    If you find yourself heading to Katmai and Brooks Camp while in Alaska, hit me up. I’ll be there all summer and can definitely help you check Northern Red Backed Vole off of this list there. Katmai is, of course, known for its brown bears but other common mammals sightings are North American Porcupine, Northern Red Backed Vole, Snowshoe Hare, Red Squirrel, Little Brown Myotis, and arctic ground squirrels. Other less common but still regularly seen mammals are Canada Lynx, Grey Wolf, Moose, a few different species of weasel (ermine being most common but there are 3 or 4 regularly seen species), red fox, river otter, and beaver. There are few rarely seen mammals around Brooks too like wolverines, caribou, and mountain lions. In one summer spent there, I saw everything I just listed multiple times except the last three.

    That was a whole lot. I’m passionate. You can see a nice shot of a vole I took there on my website if you like,

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