Soon: Community Meeting!

Are you an avid mammalwatcher?

Would you like to discuss different and easy ways you can contribute to conservation? and Felis have been working for over a year on the question how mammalwatchers can contribute to conservation. To address this question further we are hosting another brainstorming session where everyone (including you!) can give their opinion on how mammalwatchers can contribute to conservation with the direct and indirect benefits of doing so. Exchange ideas with each other on how even small or simple actions can help conservation a lot!

This meeting we have John Morrison from WWF USA as our speaker. He will talk about his views on how the community can help, as a start of the discussion. After we will dive deeper into the effects you can have and want to hear your opinion and ideas!

Our goal is to lift the mammalwatching community to an even higher level by connecting mammalwatchers, giving you a platform to talk and discuss relevant issues about the things we all love and want to protect. Mammals!

If you like to join and share your ideas, send us a mail at info AT

Hope to see you online,
Valentin and Ruben from ProjectFelis

In short: Online discussing ways to contribute to conservation.


UPDATE: Corrected time

24th of September

Zurich 20:00 (8PM)
London 19:00 (7PM)
New york 14:00 (2PM)
Los Angeles 11:00 (11AM)
Sydney 04:00 (4AM, 25th of September)

Post author



  • Sebastian Kennerknecht

    Just to make sure, this would be noon for me in California, on the 24th, correct? Are you sending out a zoom link or something? Thanks for putting this together!

    • Ruben Vernieuwe

      Hi Sebastian,

      This would indeed be noon for you. I’ll send you a mail with the zoom link.
      See you in the meeting.


  • CatherineG

    Exciting event! This nifty site is helpful for events, create a link and add into the text above. Then whoever clicks on it can see their time without any converting. My art group uses it for scheduling events all around the world.


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