The Weekly recap

Hi! Here is this week’s recap:) 


There have been a couple short but sweet trip reports this week. One from Suriname and one from South Carolina, both productive with lots of cool mammals from sloths to armadillos. 


On this week’s edition of Lonely Hearts, we have some new contenders. Just next month a fellow wildlife enthusiast is wanted for a trip to the Dominican Republic. Friends are needed for a cruise in Western Svalbard next year to see Polar Bears, Bowhead Whales and amazing scenery (and perhaps even a narwhal…),  or else a mega expedition to Brazil this summer if you prefer not being at risk of frostbite during your holidays. 


Another incredible and detailed squirrel field guide has been released by Daan Drukker, this time for Mongolia. It’s available to download for free and features an adorable squirrel bursting to pee on the cover. 


As the perfect game to ensure your mammal spotting skills aren’t getting rusty, see if you can find and identify the (greedy) guenon in this 17th century painting. If you conclude that it is a Halfshavendog Guenon then I have some bad news for you. 


If you have any good spots for mammalwatching in or around London, UK, please share them here, and if you have any experience using camera traps while travelling, you can share here, even if all you’ve ever captured is a camper who didn’t make it all the way to the toilet in the middle of the night. And if you know anything about wild cats and dogs, you can read this fascinating post about one mammalwatcher’s quest to photograph them all – and comment any good places you know for spotting them. 


Finally, don’t forget to check out the join a trip page for inspiration for your next fun (well…) adventure. Choices for this year include some exciting trips being run to Panama (May-June) and Gabon (July) with Royle Safaris, Sumatra (June) and the Peruvian Amazon (October) with Original Nature and Romania (September) with Sakertours. Plus a Namibian rare mammal safari in May of next year with Nature Travel. 


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Post author

Katy Hall

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