Global Mammal Checklist: new update
I have just uploaded an updated global mammal checklist (here). The first update in 12 months. The checklist began life as something primarily based on the IUCN Red List. But the R
New Trip Report: Natuna Islands, Indonesia
A fascinating report from Mark Spence who went in search of the lovely looking Natuna Langur last year. Natuna Islands, 2021: Mark Spence, 1 week with mammals including Natuna Lang
New Podcast Episode (the Hall and Foley kids) plus “guess that mammal” competition
On New Year’s Eve 2021, Ellesmere and Sierra (Charles’s gifted children) sat down with my disappointing offspring – Patrick and Katy – to reflect on the highs
New Trip Report: Ghana
Here is a new report on Ghana. Great to see more and more people combining serious birding with serious mammaling (they also racked up over 400 bird species). Ghana, 2021: Daan Dru
Podcast Episode 17 – Bob Pitman, world champion cetacean lister
The final mammalwatching podcast episode of 2021 – released just hours before the end of the year – featured the remarkable Bob Pitman, whalewatcher extraordinaire. I t
Wolverine killing a Reindeer – Video
Here an incredible video, northern Norway 2017: a Wolverine killing a Reindeer in blizzard. And I spent three nights in a hide just few meters from Wolverines, armed
Taxonomy news
1. A new paper argues that red mazama deer south of the Amazon should be considered a separate species Mazama rufa rather than M. americana. 2. Myotis keaysi from coastal Ecuador s
Bobcat Update, Tucson Arizona
Sweetwater Wetlands is a small urban park off of I-10 in central Tucson. As of January 2022, four different bobcats have overlapping ranges here. Winter seems best; sighting succes
New Trip Report: Eastern Brazil
A new report of a successful trip from Cheryl Antonucci who continues to check off the world’s primates at an impressive pace. Eastern Brazil, 2021: Cheryl Antonucci, 19 days
New Trip Report: Chile
Here is Jens Bokelaar’s first report for mammalwatching. A detailed report on a long trip through Chile that has a stack of useful information and some great mammals. Chile 2