Recent Finds in MA (Summer 2022)
I haven’t been able to get out nearly as much as I’d like, but I’ve been happy with what I saw while I was out. I go hiking in Central and Western MA. There is a pond near my house where I’ve seen great horned owls and river otters a few times. I also have a pair of great horned owls in my yard some nights. I spotted a bobcat in the yard once in the morning. I heard a strange noise on my way back to my vehicle, as I stopped to determine where it was coming from a porcupine climbed down a tree to the ground just in front of me and walked off. I’ve found a few bears in the mornings. I found one the other day mid-day. As I was watching it a loud crashing noise came from behind me as I turned around. I assume it was another bear. Ironically, I probably would have had a better view of the one behind me. What I’ve really realized this year in mammal watching is my car is far too low to the ground. This is a huge issue on back roads. I’d like to find some mink or weasels so in 2o23. I hope to focus on those next year. It’s been a while since I’ve seen either.
There’s more in video format https://youtu.be/Yd30Ou6k7oM
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