Need ID for a jackal from Ethiopia
Dear Mammal Watcher,
Last November I probably saw a black-backed jackal Lupulella mesomelas in Awash NP in Ethiopia. I recently posted this observation on iNaturalist images https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/69250341 and my observation has been confirmed. But there are also doubts and it could also be an African Golden Wolf Canis lupaster, which looks similar and occurs in the same habitat. I have no experience with African canids and would be happy if someone could check my determination.
Many thanks in advance
Michael Widmer
Charles Foley
I agree with Eric. I think it’s an African Golden Wolf with a black saddle. These individuals tend to have more diffuse colour separation between the back and the flanks than the Black-backed. They also have a broader face than the Black-backed, which you can see in the photo where it’s lying down looking at the camera.
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Erik Foekens
Hello Michael,
I would say African Golden Wolf.
The “ black back” is rather large and more grey, not so obvious.
Also the snouth is more Coyote-like, Black-back Jackals have a more slender and shorter snout.
Erik Foekens