India mammal and bird trip 2018-2019

I and my partner visited India for the first time over five weeks from December 2018 to January 2019. We organised our trip through WildWorldIndia and visited Kaziranga in the north-east, Chambal River, central India (Satpura, Pench and Tadoba) and spent the last week or so in the south in the Western Ghats. It was a great trip and we saw 50 mammals as well as 359 birds (at least well enough to i.d.). We got all the ‘greatest hits’ including excellent (and multiple) close views of Tiger, as well as Leopard, Indian Rhinoceros, Hoolock Gibbon and Lion-tailed Macaque. WildWorldIndia made everything easy and a bit more plush than i’m used to on these experiences.

I have attached a complete trip report and hope you enjoy. India was a long-awaited experience and well-worth indulging in.

Cheers, Brett.


  • Craig Smith

    Excellent, thanks, Brett.
    We went to India for 5 weeks in Jan-Feb 2019. Saw lots of great wildlife, incl. Gharials, tiger, blsck leopard, sloth bear, etc.
    Seems a world away right now.

  • Antechinus

    Indeed Craig, great country to travel around. Seems like it will be quite a while before we’ll be able to do a similar trip in the future. How quickly things can change.


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