Just a moggie?
Stayed overnight in the Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano, Ethiopia in early Feb 2020 and saw this cat in the grounds at dusk. It didn’t occur to me that it was anything other than a domestic moggie, but it looked not-quite-right enough that I took this snap, whereupon it stood up and walked off (before I had the chance/gumption to take another photo), whereupon She Who Must Be Obeyed voiced my own thought — “Blimey, that cat’s got really long legs!”
Just wishful thinking, or is it conceivable that this could be an African Wild Cat? It was certainly wary, but didn’t flee in panic (and, after all, it was in the middle of a tourist lodge).
Chris Roche
Hi Ian H
I’d say this one is too spotted (and grey) to be considered an African wild cat.
I do know of a female African wild cat (or first generation hybrid) that took up in a lodge in Namibia and reared kittens there.
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john wright
Hi Ian, it looks very much like a moggie to me – but of course it may well have some wildcat blood in its veins! For information see the end piece of my 2014 Ethiopia trip report – there’s a photo I took of an interesting ‘wildcat’ which I believe to be not quite right for a true African Wildcat.