Sichuan Mammal Watching Tour – March 2019 – Royle Safaris Trip Report
Back in April 2019 Royle Safaris ran its second back to back Sichuan Mammals Tour with special focus on the rarest and ‘coolest’ of Chinese mammals. We were very successful, the trip resulted in 3 sightings of giant panda (plus a 4th through thermal only) as well as red pandas, Pallas’s cats, Chinese mountain cats, Himalayan wolves, Indochinese leopard cats, Asiatic golden cat and Asiatic black bear. In fact 42 species of mammals were seen or evidence of their presence was seen. You can see the trip report on the below link.
Because of the incredible success we have had in the last 2 trips we are running two more tours (following the same itinerary) for 2020. We have sold all but one place on these two trips, so if anyone would like to know more and join you can contact us at info@royle-safaris.co.uk.
Martin Royle
I made a mistake on the first trip report I posted. However I have now uploaded the correct one with the 42 species recorded. If you click on the link now you should find the 42 species listed correctly
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I apologise for the original link on the Sichuan Mammals Trip Report post (above), it linked to an incomplete trip report, i have changed it and the correct trip report is linked above now.