Updated Global Mammal Checklist – June 2019

Yes, its the most wonderful time of year once again. My bike had an argument with a New York pot hole 2 weeks ago and  I fractured three ribs. And that meant no weekend in North Dakota.  Instead I spent the time feeling sorry for myself and updating my global mammal checklist with the latest IUCN redlist data. My last update was a year ago.

There have been quite a lot of changes and they are all listed in the worksheet “Changes Over Time”: scroll down to the heading “changes since version 6 (at June 2019)” to see the full list.

The IUCN have been busy adding species, including a lot of (fairly obscure) rodents. Perhaps the most notable changes – at least in how they might relate to people’s own lifelists – are:

  1. IUCN have revised the Saki Monkeys to include a bunch of new species following this paper  Marsh, L.K. 2014. A taxonomic revision of the saki monkeys, Pithecia Desmarest, 1804. Neotropical Primates 21(1): 1-163
  2. The Four-striped Grass Mice (aka Zebra Mice) of Africa – Rhabdomys pumilus – have been split 4 ways. Three species in South Africa and one in East Africa. So, for example, the species around Kimberley is now R. bechuanae, while that in West Coast National Park is R. pumilus. That was my only new mammal from the IUCN’s changes

I have also added a few species that I noticed in various papers and fieldguides, and which the IUCN has yet to recognise, including:

Quenda, Isoodon fusciventer

Selangor Silvered Langur, Trachypithecus selangorensis

Nicaraguan Deer Mouse, Peromyscus nicaraguae

Fremont’s Squirrel, Tamiasciurus fremonti

Mogollon Vole, Microtus mogollonensis

Northern Mountain Viscacha, Lagidium peruanum

Japanese Racoon Dog, Nyctereutes viverrinus

Mediterranean Hare, Lepus mediterrananeus

These are  all species I have seen so I have a bit of an interest in making sure they existg.! I suspect some of them are be a bit dodgy – eg Japanese Racoon Dog.  I welcome people’s opinions on any that are so very dodgy they should be deleted.

All of the deviations between the redlist and my list are listed in the worksheet “Divergences from the IUCN list”. But really there is very little difference – just 70 species or so.

Thank you also to a few people who took the time to send in corrections, additions and deletions to the list since the last time, including Paul Carter. All mistakes are my own (or the IUCN’s).

Global mammal checklist


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