Migrating Mongolian gazelles
Mongolia trip, July 2018
True’ Beaked Whales, Biscay
Taking a break in the middle of a very hot day in Sabah to be made thoroughly envious by this record closer to home – superb photos of a very rarely-seen cetacean. https://ww
Shiripuno Trip Report
I traveled to the remote Shiripuno Amazon Lodge in Ecuador last December, where I spent ten nights searching for mammals and other wildlife. I’ll be returning in a couple wee
Pulsar Imaging Scope Accessories?
I’m heading (back) to Shiripuno Lodge in the Ecuadorian Amazon in a couple weeks, where I’ll be trying out my new Pulsar Quantum XQ23. I’m looking for a couple ac
Data request from the Hyaena Specialist Group: Hyaena Distribution Mapping Project 2018
Dear all, Please find below a data request call from Hyaena Specialist Group who seek to update the global distribution mapping and status assessment project for all 4 hyaena speci
A Review (a long review) of the latest version of Walker’s Mammals of the World
The first edition of Walker’s Mammals of the World came out in 1964, and the most recent version, which is sorta kinda the 7th edition, was released this week. In between, I have
Cat ID assistance
I’m hoping for help with an ID. I’ve just returned from a trip to Ecuador. At San Isidro, a private reserve on the eastern Andean slopes (approx. 2000m, cloudforest, ne
New Trip Report: Manu, Peru
Here’s a report of a productive trip to a place I really need to visit. Manu, 2018: Matt Andrews, 10 days & 23 species including Emperor Tamarins, Giant Long-nosed Armadi
New Trip Report: Panama
Here’s Steve Anyon-Smith’s latest adventure, reported in his own inimitable style! Panama, 2018: Steve Anyon-Smith, 1 month & 21 species including Cacomistle, Tayra
Coyote and Woodland Vole sighting
Just wanted to report the Coyote and Woodland Vole I saw today. In Purchase, NY, I had a Coyote just standing there on the lawn of the MasterCard HQ off of Rte. 120/Purchase St.