Rat ID, southern Thailand (slightly gruesome pics)
Hi all
I’m after thoughts on this splatted rat from near Khao Lak. Based on size and other features I identified it as Greater Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota indica) in the field (before it’s unfortunate encounter with a car!). Only after the event did I realise it’s well out of range for that species, but not far from where Lesser (B. bengalensis) occurs as non-native. I reckon it would be at the upper end of the size range for that species (the shoe in shot is 32.5cm long), but there were a couple of less massive individuals seen as well. Is Lesser Bandicoot Rat a fair ID? The animals were commuting between fields/scrub and a rubber plantation (so the habitat sounds right), and were clearly bigger and shorter tailed than the unidentified Rattus (either Pacific of Malaysian Wood Rats) present in the same area
Vladimir Dinets
I concur with Jon. I heard a story of a greater bandicoot rat killing a pet potbelly pig. Not sure if it’s true.
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paul carter
Hi Mike
Check Fig 9 in this reference. It shows a greater distribution of B indica than shown in the Francis book. “Murine rodents (Rodentia: Murinae) of the Myanmar-Thai-Malaysian peninsula and Singapore: taxonomy, distribution, ecology, conservation status, and illustrated identification keys” by Uraiporn Pimsai et al. It is a useful ref. Having said that I am still not sure what it is as most of the options here are supposed to have dark tails and this one looks very pale. Maybe zooming into the footpads might help. Bandicota savilei also might occur in the area but far less records (Fig 10) but it does have a paler tail.
Cheers, Paul