Updated Global Mammal Checklist – as at September 2017

I’ve worked through the latest changes to the IUCN Redlist and updated my global mammal checklist here.

This list is very largely based on the IUCN’s Redlist of mammals though there are a few additions from me (largely comprising domesticated species that live wild in some places, and a bunch of species that I believe are in the pipeline for inclusion). But some will disagree I know. And there are doubtless many other “new” species that I have missed so please do send comments and corrections to me.  All the differences between the IUCN’s list and mine are listed on the second worksheet “Divergences from the IUCN List” and also highlighted in yellow on the main list page.

I have also taken on some feedback and added a taxonomic structure to this, rather than just organizing the orders alphabetically.

The latest changes from the IUCN – in case you want to see what has happened since January – are listed on the other worksheet entitled – suprisingly – “changes over time”.  There have been quite a lot of changes made: mainly to bats and rodents and in the large part to what I think are quite obscure species.

A couple of splits that might be particularly intersting are

Central Asian or Kashmir Red Deer, Cervus hanglu has been split from Cervus elaphus

And the Idaho Ground Squirrel has been split into a Northern and Southern Species… which means I have no longer seen all the ground squirrels in the USA. Matt Miller, can you help me please!

Please let me know comments, additions and corrections.






  • Vladimir Dinets

    I wonder if jerboas from Badkhyz in Turkmenistan are actually the new Allactaga toussi rather than A. elater. The habitat seems right, and they are a bit larger if I remember correctly.

    There are at least 13 extant species of Pteronotus already (personatus, psilotus, gymnonotus=suapurensis, davyi, fulvus, quadridens=fuliginosus, macleayii=griseus, portoricensis, pusillus, parnellii, paraguanensis, mesoamericanus, rubiginosus).

    I don’t think urial should be split in two; the pro-split arguments are mostly based on “conservation species concept”. I am not even sure it’s not conspecific with mouflon and argali, as some populations are clearly intermediate and the current range fragmentation is mostly due to 20th century overhunting.

    Persian badger is an almost-certain split; the paper is in prep. as I’ve heard.

    One bug to watch for at IUCN pages is that if one subspecies of a species is listed as endangered, its common name often gets assigned to the whole species. So you get “Key rabbit” instead of “swamp rabbit”, etc.

  • mattinidaho

    There is a campground about 2 hours from Boise that is very reliable for seeing northern Idaho ground squirrels. John and Karen Shrader saw them there easily. Come next summer and we can do a quick road ground squirrel road trip!

    Kris Helgen and others have a paper out on North American deer species. It seems to suggest blacktail deer should be a separate species. I am not sure what the changes are for brocket deer. Maybe Vladimir has thoughts. Paper: https://zookeys.pensoft.net/article/15124/

    • Venkat Sankar

      I think Vladimir actually posted a very similar paper a little while back. I think the gist of it was that there are now 4 sp. of Odocoileus – Mule Deer (O. hemonius), White-tailed Deer (O. virginianus), Black-tailed Deer (O. columbianus), and Yucatan Brown Brocket (which as it turns out is actually “Odocoileus pandora” rather than the current name, Mazama pandora).

      There was also some reassignment within Mazama genus with some splitting based on identification of cryptic species, but I didn’t read that stuff very carefully. I think there was some detail regarding M. nemorivaga and identifying a cryptic species sympatric with M. americana…

    • Jon Hall

      Thanks Matt! That’s good to knw.. and hope to see you next summer then 🙂

  • Vladimir Dinets

    Chalchalero vizcacha rat is not a valid species.
    Neotoma martinensis was conspecific with N. intermedia (not particularly important since it’s now extinct anyway).

  • Vladimir Dinets

    I actually posted it here a while ago, but don’t remember what it was.

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