Javan Rhino!
What a sighting!!!!
A loyal client and good friend of Martin Royle and Royle Safaris (Chris Scharf) has just returned from his latest trip to Ujong Kulon National Park in Indonesia and has come back with the most incredible shots of a beautiful Javan Rhino. This is possibly the rarest mammal on the planet with just 63 individually identified rhinos left in the world with non in captivity so to get these shots he was very lucky and incredibly patient. Needless to say it is the highlight of his wildlife photography career and also after 7 years of visiting the park and researching the rhinos and establishing the best way of attempting to see this species, we have the best tips and techniques to offer anyone the chance of this incredible animal.
I thought that this forum is teh perfect platform to share in his success and showcase that this species is doing ok (not great, but increasing in number slowly but surely – the authorities are expanding the park and removing invasive plant species, so the future may be a little brighter than once thought for the Javan Rhino!).
For anyone interested in finding out more and what we are able to offer please send me an email – info@royle-safaris.co.uk
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Amazing pictures!! I’m hoping to go there over the next few years myself.
Is Roylesafaris offering a trip to Ujong Kulon?