Woodchucks Galore!
Andrew Block asked me to report the following Woodchuck plague – sounds pretty impressive! It appears to have been a bumper year for rodents big and small out east. Jon Yes
Gunung Leuser NP, Sumatra
I recently took a 10 day trip to Gunung Leuser National Park in Sumatra, Indonesia with the hopes of catching a glimpse of either a Sunda clouded leopard or a Sumatran tiger. As a
New Trip Reports: Sabah & Sumatra
Richard Webb, Phil Telfer, John Wright and Paul Carter just got back from a trip to Borneo and Sumatra. Clouded Leopards were their main quarry and finally Richard was successfu
Marsupial Mole Sighting
Cool photos too: Mole makes rare appearance
New data on wolf pack locations in Wisconsin
This website links to newly posted reports and maps on how wolves are expanding their populations throughout Wisconsin. http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/WildlifeHabitat/wolf/index.html Map:
I attended a lecture last evening by Bill Robichaud, a saola expert and a leader in developing conservation programs for them. If you ever have the chance to hear him speak, go. Fa
13-lined ground squirrels
For those in Chicago area, there are wild 13-lined ground squirrels on the grounds of Brookfield Zoo (where I’m attending a conference). One very tame female with a baby live
Sacramento Valley Results
I went to Glenn and Colusa counties yesterday, staying out pretty late. Due to various circumstances, I could not leave the Bay Area until about 7 PM, so this basically cost me Sac
Weasel ID
Today, I had an amazing observation of a family group of one adult weasel with three young at Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge in Sudbury, Massachusetts. I watched them play
More K-Rats and Bats in California
Just a few more California notes. Another desert k-rat site: Jawbone Canyon, Kern County A week ago on a night of no moon I had 3 species of k-rat (Desert, Merriam’s, Panamint) a