Small spotted genet or feline genet?
Good day everyone, This is the first time I post something on this website. I’m new, although following this website for a while. I’m a birdwatcher but last years mor
Sydney (continued)
I just spent four days in Sydney, mostly babysitting and without a car. Thanks to Ry Beaver, I learned that there is a very active Facebook group called Australian Mammal Watching
I just found out that IUCN SSC Small Mammal Specialist Group has a Facebook page, with lots of interesting news. Check it out!
Sun Bear at Kaeng Krachan
“Just in case anybody is up for an Ursine twitch, a friend just back from Kaeng Krachan in Thailand reports that a Sun Bear is visiting the food dump behind the kitchen at Ba
Dear All, I ‘ve just learned that I’ll be in Sydney for much of this week. I’ve been there before, but there’s still a lot of stuff I’d like to see. I
New Trip Report: Tanzania
Another great report from Stefan Lithner Tanzania, 2015: Stefan Lithner, 19 days & 80 species including Servaline Genet, African Palm Civet, Southern Tree Hyrax, Demon Mole
Mediterranean Monk Seal in Israel!
Well I’ve never been a so-called “twitcher”, but I might just be this weekend, as a female adult of this endangered and rare species has been spotted at Rosh Hani
New Trip Report: Cuba
Vladimir Dinets just got back from Cuba, and here’s his report Cuba, 2016: Vladimir Dinets, 18 days with various bats and several hutia species. Jon
Mammal watching at the autopsy table: pleistocene puppy reveals much
Hoping this isn’t considered too much of a stretch in terms of member interest. I found it fascinating.