Request for mammal photo

The following just showed up on a bat listserve, seemed like a natural to post it here. I’m not entirely sure what would capture the pheromone theme.

Dr Tristram Wyatt
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford

Finding a mammal cover photograph for ‘Pheromones and animal behavior’ 2nd

I’m looking for an eye-catching image of a mammal for the cover of the
second edition of ‘Pheromones and animal behavior’, to be published by
Cambridge UP in 2013. The first edition had an ant and a caterpillar on the
cover. I’d like the cover to be a mammal this time.

If you could suggest an image that is arresting and on the theme of chemical
communication in mammals I would be very pleased to hear from you. The final
image would need to be in high resolution but at this stage a low resolution
email-able image would be ideal. There would, of course, be a copy of the
book, payment from CUP, and full credit for the photographer of the chosen

Do forward to anyone who might be interested and encourage them to contact me
direct. Over the next few months If you spot an image that might work, or
have one yourself, do contact me on

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